전편협 - With MoneyMap

by 코코아(kocore)



◎ Money management● All sales and expenses for your business in one place - Get the details below with one registration. · Account deposit/withdrawal · Card sales and expenses · Tax invoice sales/purchase · Cash receipt sales/purchase● Organize easily and report clearly - Organize your expenses easily by adding keywords to each expense. - Any keyword is automatically converted into accounting terms and recorded. - Shows a comparison of the expected payment date and the actual deposit amount. - Final report on business status with graphs and ledgers.● Tax preparation is also expected VAT- Estimate the expected VAT for the semi-annual by collecting the imported details.◎ Employee Management● Employment contract, now mobile - Add an employee and receive an employment contract automatically created with the entered information. - Even if you dont have to sign in person, when the employee logs in, you confirm and finish signing.● Easily and transparently record commuting and attendance - Easily register commuting with the app, and transparently manage the record book with your employees.● Pay stubs are also available on the Jeonpyeonhyup Money Map. - Calculate this months salary based on the entered working hours and hourly wage. - The pay stub, which is obligatory to issue, is delivered automatically as long as it is confirmed by the manager.